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Conference publications (non-award)

M. Wei, S. Consolvo, P.G. Kelley, T. Kohno, T. Matthews, S. Meiklejohn, F. Roesner, R. Shelby, K. Thomas, & R. Umbach, "Understanding Help-Seeking and Help-Giving on Social Media for Image-Based Sexual Abuse," Proceedings of the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium: USENIX Security '24, Philadelphia, PA, (2024). [preprint on arXiv]


R. Bellini, E. Tseng, N. Warford, A. Daffalla, T. Matthews, S. Consolvo, J.P. Woelfer, P.G. Kelley, M.L. Mazurek, D. Cuomo, N. Dell, & T. Ristenpart. "SoK: Safer Digital Safety Research Involving At-Risk Users," Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy: IEEE S&P '24, San Francisco, CA, (2024).


P. Samermit, A. Turner, P.G. Kelley, T. Matthews, V. Wu, S. Consolvo, & K. Thomas, ""Millions of people are watching you": Understanding the Digital-Safety Needs and Practices of Creators," Proceedings of the 32nd USENIX Security Symposium: USENIX Security '23, Anaheim, CA, (2023).


D. Freed, N.N. Bazarova, S. Consolvo, E. Han, P.G. Kelley, K. Thomas, & D. Cosley, "Understanding Digital-Safety Experiences of Youth in the U.S.," Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI '23, Hamburg, Germany, (2023).


M. Wei, S. Consolvo, P.G. Kelley, T. Kohno, F. Roesner, & K. Thomas, ""There's so much responsibility on users right now:" Expert Advice for Staying Safer From Hate and Harassment," Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI '23, Hamburg, Germany, (2023).


N. Warford, T. Matthews, K. Yang, O. Akgul, S. Consolvo, P.G. Kelley, N. Malkin, M.L. Mazurek, M. Sleeper, & K. Thomas, "SoK: A Framework for Unifying At-Risk User Research," Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: IEEE S&P '22, San Francisco, CA, (2022).


K. Thomas, P.G. Kelley, S. Consolvo, P. Samermit, & E. Bursztein, ""It's common and a part of being a content creator": Understanding How Creators Experience and Cope With Hate and Harassment Online," Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI '22, New Orleans, LA, USA, (2022).


D. Kumar, P.G. Kelley, S. Consolvo, J. Mason, E. Bursztein, Z. Durumeric, K. Thomas, & M. Bailey, "Designing Toxic Content Classification for a Diversity of Perspectives," 17th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security: SOUPS '21, (2021).


K. Thomas, D. Akhawe, M. Bailey, D. Boneh, E. Bursztein, S. Consolvo, N. Dell, Z. Durumeric, P.G. Kelley, D. Kumar, D. McCoy, S. Meiklejohn, T. Ristenpart, & G. Stringhini, "SoK: Hate, Harassment, and the Changing Landscape of Online Abuse," Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: IEEE S&P '21, San Francisco, CA, (2021).


M. Sleeper, T. Matthews, K. O’Leary, J. Woelfer, A. Turner, M. Shelton, A. Schou, A. Oplinger, & S. Consolvo, “Tough Times at Transitional Homeless Shelters: Considering the Impact of Financial Insecurity on Digital Security and Privacy,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI '19, Glasgow, UK, (2019).


R.W. Reeder, A.P. Felt, S. Consolvo, N. Malkin, C. Thompson, & S. Egelman, “An Experience Sampling Study of User Reactions to Browser Warnings in the Field,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI '18, Montréal, Canada, (2018).


A.P. Felt, R.W. Reeder, A. Ainslie, H. Harris, M. Walker, C. Thompson, M.E. Acer, E. Morant, & S. Consolvo, “Rethinking Connection Security Indicators,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security: SOUPS '16, Denver, Colorado, (2016).


T. Matthews, K. Liao, A. Turner, M. Berkovich, R. Reeder, & S. Consolvo, “”She’ll just grab any device that’s closer”: A Study of Everyday Device & Account Sharing in Households,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI '16, San Jose, California, (2016).


M. Sleeper, S. Schnorf, B. Kemler, & S. Consolvo, “Attitudes Toward Vehicle-Based Sensing and Recording,” Proceedings of the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: UbiComp '15, Osaka, Japan, (2015).


S. Egelman, S. Jain, R. Pottenger, K. Liao, S. Consolvo, & D. Wagner, “Are You Ready to Lock? Understanding User Motivations for Smartphone Locking Behaviors,” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security: CCS '14, Scottsdale, Arizona, (2014).


H. Almuhimedi, A.P. Felt, R.W. Reeder, & S. Consolvo, “Your Reputation Precedes You: Reputation and the Chrome Malware Warning,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security: SOUPS '14, Menlo Park, California, (2014).


M. Sleeper, J. Staddon, & S. Consolvo, “Exploring the Benefits and Uses of Web Analytics Tools for Non-Transactional Websites,” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems: DIS '14, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (2014).


R. Shay, I. Ion, R.W. Reeder, & S. Consolvo, ““My religious aunt asked why I was trying to sell her viagra”: Experiences with account hijacking,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI '14, Toronto, Canada, (2014).


V.S. Sosik, E. Bursztein, S. Consolvo, D. Huffaker, G. Kossinets, K. Liao, P. McDonald, & A. Sedley, “Online Microsurveys for User Experience Research,” Extended Abstracts of CHI '14, Toronto, Canada, (2014).


M. Kay, K. Rector, S. Consolvo, B. Greenstein, J. Wobbrock, N. Wilson, & J. Kientz, “PVT-Touch: Adapting a Reaction Time Test for Touchscreen Devices,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare: Pervasive Health '13, Venice, Italy (2013), pp. 248-51.


S.A. Munson & S. Consolvo, “Exploring Goal-Setting, Rewards, Self-Monitoring, and Sharing to Motivate Physical Activity,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare: Pervasive Health '12, San Diego, CA, USA (2012).


J.S. Bauer, S. Consolvo, B. Greenstein, J. Schooler, E. Wu, N.F. Watson, & J.A. Kientz, “ShutEye: Encouraging Awareness of Healthy Sleep Recommendations with a Mobile, Peripheral Display,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI '12, Austin, TX, USA, (2012), pp. 1401-10.


E.K. Choe, S. Consolvo, J. Jung, B. Harrison, & J.A. Kientz, “Living in a Glass House: A Survey of Private Moments in the Home,” Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: UbiComp '11, Beijing, China, (2011), pp. 41-4.


E.K. Choe, S. Consolvo, N. Watson, & J. Kientz, “Opportunities for Computing Technologies to Support Healthy Sleep Behaviors,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI '11, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (2011), pp. 3053-62.


P. Klasnja, S. Consolvo, & W. Pratt, “How to Evaluate Technologies for Health Behavior Change in HCI Research,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI '11, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (2011), pp. 3063-72.


T. Toscos, S. Consolvo, & D.W. McDonald. “ ‘…is it normal to be this sore?’: Using an Online Forum to Investigate Barriers to Physical Activity,” Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Health Informatics Symposium: IHI '10, Arlington, VA, USA, (2010), pp. 346-55.


S. Consolvo, J. Jung, G. Maganis, P. Powledge, B. Greenstein, & D. Avrahami. “The Wi-Fi Privacy Ticker: Improving Awareness & Control of Personal Information Exposure on Wi-Fi,” Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: UbiComp ’10, Copenhagen, Denmark, (2010), pp. 321-30.


P. Klasnja, S. Consolvo, D.W. McDonald, J.A. Landay, & W. Pratt. “Using Mobile & Personal Sensing Technologies to Support Health Behavior Change in Everyday Life: Lessons Learned,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Medical Informatics Association: AMIA '09, (2009), pp. 338-42.


P. Klasnja, S. Consolvo, T. Choudhury, R. Beckwith, & J. Hightower. “Exploring Privacy Concerns about Personal Sensing,” The International Conference on Pervasive Computing: Pervasive '09, Nara, Japan, (2009), pp. 176-83.


S. Consolvo, P. Klasnja, D.W. McDonald, & J.A. Landay. “Goal-Setting Considerations for Persuasive Technologies that Encourage Physical Activity,” The 7th International Conference on Persuasive Technology: Persuasive '09, (2009).


P. Klasnja, S. Consolvo, J. Jung, B. Greenstein, L. LeGrand, P.S. Powledge, & D. Wetherall. “”When I am on Wi-Fi, I am Fearless”: Privacy Concerns & Practices in Everyday Wi-Fi Use,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI '09, (2009), pp. 1993-2002.


S. Consolvo, D.W. McDonald, & J.A. Landay. “Theory-Driven Design Strategies for Technologies that Support Behavior Change in Everyday Life,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI ‘09, (2009), pp. 405-14.


J.E. Froehlich, T. Dillahunt, P. Klasnja, J. Mankoff, S. Consolvo, B. Harrison, & J.A. Landay. “UbiGreen: Investigating a Mobile Tool for Tracking and Supporting Green Transportation Habits,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI '09, Boston, MA, USA, (2009), pp. 1043-52.


S. Consolvo, D. W. McDonald, T. Toscos, M. Chen, J.E. Froehlich, B. Harrison, P. Klasnja, A. LaMarca, L. LeGrand, R. Libby, I. Smith & J. A. Landay. “Activity Sensing in the Wild: A Field Trial of UbiFit Garden,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI '08, Florence, Italy, (2008), pp.1797-806.


J. Froehlich, M.Y. Chen, S. Consolvo, B. Harrison, & J.A. Landay. “MyExperience: A System for In Situ Tracing and Capturing of User Feedback on Mobile Phones,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services: MobiSys ‘07, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, (2007), pp.57-70.


B. Friedman, I. Smith, P.H. Kahn, Jr., S. Consolvo, & J. Selawski. “Development of a Privacy Addendum for Open Source Licenses: Value Sensitive Design in Industry,” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: UbiComp '06, Irvine, California, (2006), pp.194-211.


T. Sohn, A. Varshavsky, A. LaMarca, M.Y. Chen, T. Choudhury, I. Smith, S. Consolvo, J. Hightower, W.G. Griswold, & E. de Lara. “Mobility Detection Using Everyday GSM Traces,” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: UbiComp '06, Irvine, California, (2006), pp. 212-24.


S. Consolvo, K. Everitt, I. Smith, & J.A. Landay. “Design Requirements for Technologies that Encourage Physical Activity,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems: CHI '06, Montréal, Canada, (2006), pp.457-66.


G. Iachello, I. Smith, S. Consolvo, G.D. Abowd, J. Hughes, J. Howard, F. Potter, J. Scott, T. Sohn, J. Hightower, & A. LaMarca. “Control, Deception, and Communication: Evaluating the Deployment of a Location-Enhanced Messaging Service,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: UbiComp '05, Tokyo, Japan (2005), pp. 213-31.


A. LaMarca, J. Hightower, I. Smith, & S. Consolvo. “Self-Mapping in 802.11 Location Systems,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: UbiComp '05, Tokyo, Japan, (2005), pp. 87-104.


I. Smith, S. Consolvo, J. Hightower, J. Hughes, G. Iachello, A. LaMarca, J. Scott, T. Sohn, & G. Abowd. “Social Disclosure of Place: From Location Technology to Communication Practice,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing: Pervasive '05, Munich, Germany (2005), pp.134-51.


S. Consolvo & J. Towle. “Evaluating an Ambient Display for the Home,” Extended Abstracts of CHI '05, Portland, Oregon, (2005), pp. 1304-7.


S. Consolvo, P. Roessler, & B.E. Shelton. “The CareNet Display: Lessons Learned from an In Home Evaluation of an Ambient Display,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: UbiComp '04, Nottingham, England, (2004), pp.1-17.


C. Beckmann, S. Consolvo, & A. LaMarca. “Some Assembly Required: Supporting End-User Sensor Installation in Domestic Ubiquitous Computing Environments,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: UbiComp '04, Nottingham, England, (2004), pp.107-24.


S. Consolvo, L. Arnstein, & B. Franza. "User Study Techniques in the Design and Evaluation of a Ubicomp Environment," Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: UbiComp '02, Göteborg, Sweden, (2002), pp. 73-90.

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